(जा.२४) ननु साध्यादिभेदेन व्याप्तेर्भेदात् यत्रैकव्यक्तिरेव विपक्षस्तत्र लक्षणे साध्याभाववति साकल्यविशेषणं न देयमिति दोषान्तरमाह-निर्धूमत्वादिव्याप्य इति ।
निर्धूमत्वस्य साध्यत्वे यत्रैकव्यक्तिकमित्यनेनैव गतार्थता स्यादतो व्याप्यपर्यन्तं, नि—मत्वव्याप्यस्यापि स्नेहादेः स्नेहत्वादिना साध्यत्वे
which is to be estalished should be stated. Therefore author points out another fault by the expression 'absence of smoke'. This is stated by some one.
(J.24) Where only one individual is the counter-subject there in the definition ‘all should not be applied with that which has the absence of that which is to be established. This is because vyāpti is different due to difference in that which is to be established. Therefore author says another fault by the expression that which is pervaded by the absence of smoke.
When the absence of smoke is that which is to be established, then by the expression only 'where one individual, the purpose may be achieved, therefore author goes till that which is pervaded, oily-ness which is pervaded by the absence of smoke also is that which is to be established by the state of being oily-ness there is no fault of non-inclusion because of deviation of the absence of fire. Therefore author said 'when that which is to be established by the state of being that. When that which is to be established is in the form of that which is pervaded by the absence of smoke, this is the meaning.
Every individual, there is fault of two narrow oplication, because Absence of reason in the form of the fire in the kitchen, etc. is non-existent in mountain which is included in all those