पञ्चमं लक्षणम्
योगिकत्वेन भेदः अन्यादिशब्देन बोध्यः, तदवृत्तिधर्मस्यैव अनुयोगितावच्छेदकत्वात् तत्र घटो घटान्य इत्यस्य वारणासम्भवात् नीलघटत्वस्य धर्मितावच्छेदकत्वानुधावनमिति मन्तव्यम् ।
(जा.२८) नीलो घटो घटान्य इत्येव सम्यक् पाठः तथैव प्रकृतोपयोगित्वसङ्गतेघटादन्य इति पाठस्तु साध्यवदन्य इत्यत्र पञ्चमीसमासे लुप्तविभक्तिस्मारितप्रतियोगित्वे प्रकृत्यर्थतावच्छेदकावच्छिन्नत्वस्य संसर्गमर्यादया भानमादृत्य कथञ्चित् सङ्गमनीयः ।।
(जा.२९) घट: पटो न इत्यादौ पटपदं मुख्यार्थपरमेव, न तु प्रकृत
substance is different from a pot, because the attribute which is not there is determinition of substanceness. There is possibility of avoiding the usage 'the pot is different from pot, therefore author had to mention the blue-jar-ness, as the determinant of the state of being substratum, this should be noted.
___(J.28) “The blue pot is different from a pot' this is a correct version, by this only there is consistency with present use, the text ‘different from a poť should be supported any how taking in to account the apprehension through the limitation of relation, of state of being determined by the determinant of the state of being present meaning, in the counter-positive-ness which is reminded by hidden case in the fifth compound in the expression different from that which is different from that which has that which is to be established.'
___(J.29) In the expression the pot is not a cloth the word ‘cloth' reveals main meaning and not that which has the counter-positive-ness determined by pot-ness just as in present