प्रथमं लक्षणम्
न्वयिनि अभावादित्यनेन ग्रन्थकृतैवास्य दोषस्य वक्ष्यमाणत्वात् ।
(२२) न च तथापि कपिसंयोगिभिन्नं२१ गुणत्वादित्यादौ निरवच्छिन्नसाध्याभावाधिकरणत्वाऽप्रसिद्धयाऽव्याप्तिः, अन्योन्याभावस्य व्याप्यवृत्तित्वनियमवादिनये तस्य केवलान्वय्यनन्तर्गतत्वादिति वाच्यम् ।
“this has the absence of the conjunction of monkey because of existence'. This is because the substratum-ness of the absence of that which is to be established, which is not determined by any property is not established, because this fault is desired to be mentioned by author himself by the expression there is absence of it, in pure affirmative inference'
(22) Nor it should be said-yet there is a fault of too narrow application in the inference 'this is different form that which has the conjunction of monkey21 because of quality-ness' This is because the non-determined substratum-ness of the absence of that which is to be established is not established, because in the opinion of those who accept mutual absence always non-partial-existent22 it is not included into pure affirmative. This is because, though in the opinion of those who believe the mutual absence as non-partial existent the absolute absence of another type of mutual absence is identical with the
21. कपिसंयोगिभिन्नम्-Different from that which has the conjunction of
monkey. Here the difference from that which has the conjunction of monkey is sādhya. The absence of sādhya is in the form of
conjunction which is determinant of counter- positive-ness. 22. 2114ad14-Complete occurrence, means that occurrence which is
not determined by any time and place.