प्रथमं लक्षणम्
पक्षधर्मत्वाभावाच्चाऽसद्धेतुत्वव्यवहार इति वाच्यम् । तत्रापि व्याप्तिभ्रमेणैवानुमितेरनुभवसिद्धत्वात् । अन्यथा धूमवान् वह्ररित्यादेरपि लक्ष्यत्वस्य सुवचत्वात् । एवं द्रव्यं गुणकर्मान्यत्वविशिष्टसत्त्वादित्यादावव्याप्तिः विशिष्टसत्त्वस्य केवलसत्त्वानतिरेकितया द्रव्यत्वाभाववत्यपि गुणादौ तस्य वृत्तेः, गुणे गुणकर्मान्यत्वविशिष्टसत्तेति प्रतीतेः सर्वसिद्धत्वात् । सत्तावान् द्रव्यत्वादित्यादावव्याप्तिश्च, सत्ताभाववति सामान्यादौ हेतुतावच्छेदकसमवायसम्बन्धेन वृत्तेरप्रसिद्धेरिति चेत् न ।
(२४) हेतुतावच्छेदकावच्छिन्नहेत्वधिकरणता-प्रतियोगिकहेतुतावच्छेदकसम्बन्धावच्छिन्नाऽऽधेयतानिरूपित-विशेषणताविशेष
would be a valid reason.
In this way there is a fault of too narrow application in the inference; "this is a substance because of the existence qualified by difference from quality and action, this is because the qualified existence is not different from pure existence, it exists in quality which has the absence of substance-hood because the notion there is the qualified existence in quality is well known by all. And there is a fault of too narrow application in the inference; "this has existence because of substance-ness' because the occupancy in universal which has the absence of the existence is not estalished, by the relation inherence which determined the state of being a reason.
__ (24) This is not correct, because the general absence of existence in that which has substratum-ness not determined by any attribute and determined by said relation, which described