चतुर्थं लक्षणम्
नातिव्याप्तिः ।
(४२) साध्याभावश्च साध्यतावच्छेदकावच्छिन्न-साध्यतावच्छेदकसम्बन्धावच्छिन्न-प्रतियोगिताको ग्राह्यः, अन्यथा पर्वतादावपि वढ्यादेविशिष्टाभावादिसत्त्वेन समवायादिसम्बन्धावच्छिन्नवल्यादिसामान्याभावसत्त्वेन च यावदन्तर्गततया तन्निष्ठाभावप्रतियोगित्वाभावात् धूमस्य असम्भवः स्यात् ।
(४३) न च कपिसंयोगी एतद्वक्षत्वात् इत्यादौ एतद्वृक्षस्यापि तादृशसाध्याभाववत्त्वेन यावदन्तर्गततया तन्निष्ठाभावप्रतियोगित्वाभावादेत
being the reason. Therefore there is no the fault of too wide application, even the absence of existence, which has a counter-positive-ness determined by the relation conjunction, exists in quality etc. where the absence of substance-ness exists.
(42) And the absence of that which is to be established, should be understood as having a counter-positive-ness determined by the realation of the determinant of the state of that which is to be established, and determined by the determinant of the state of being that which is to be established, otherwise there would be a fault of impossibility, because smoke has not the counter-positive-ness of the absence which exists in the mountain etc., which is included in all where the absence of a qualified fire and the absence of fire in general determined by the relation of inherence exist.
(43) Nor, it should be said that-there is a fault of too narrow application in the inference; "this has the conjunction of monkey because of 'this tree-ness' this tree-ness also exists in