चतुर्थं लक्षणम्
तेन द्रव्यत्वादौ साध्ये विशिष्टसत्तादौ नाऽव्याप्तिः, न वा विशिष्टसत्तात्वादिना तादृशाभावप्रतियोगिनि सत्तादौ अतिप्रसङ्गः६५ ।
(जा.१७) हेत्वभावोऽपि इति । अपिना साध्याभावसङ्ग्रहः । तेन विशिष्टसत्तावान् जातेरित्यादौ नातिव्याप्ति:६६ । यद्यपि साध्या
qualified existence etc. is reason. Nor there is fault of overextention65 in counter-positive of such absence determined by state of being qualified existence.
(J.17) The absence of reason also here by the expression ‘also' the absence of that which is to be established is included, therefore there is no fault of too wide application 66 in the
65. 3fa445:-Fault of over-extension. When the counter-positive-ness of
the absence of reason is stated to be determined by the determinant of the state of being reason, there would not be a fault of over-extension in the inference; "this is substance because of existence” which is not co-existent of its counter-positive and which exists in quality etc. which is the locus of the absence of substenceness and which is nonlocus of qualified existence determined by qualified existence-ness. The counter-positive-ness of the absence of qualified, exists in the existence. Therefore there is the fault of over-extension when the counter-positive-ness of the absence as the reason is mentioned as determined by the determinant feature there would not be overextention because the counter-positive-ness of the absence of qualified existence is not determined by the state of being existence which is the
determinant of the state of being reason. This is the idea. 66. Fifcufa:-No fault of over-extension when the counter-positive-ness
of the absence of reason is not mentioned as determined by the