पञ्चमं लक्षणम्
पर्वतादौ धूमस्य वृत्तावप्यव्याप्तिः । तस्य साध्यवत्त्वावच्छिन्नप्रतियोगिताया अत्यन्ताभावत्वनिरूपितत्वेन अन्योन्याभावत्वनिरूपितत्वविरहात् । अन्योन्याभावत्वनिरूपितत्वञ्च तादात्म्यसम्बन्धावच्छिन्नत्वमेव ।
___ (५२) साध्यवत्त्वञ्च साध्यतावच्छेदकसम्बन्धेन बोध्यम्, तेन वह्निमान् धूमादित्यादौ वह्निमत्त्वावच्छिन्नप्रतियोगिताकस्य समवायेन वह्निमतोऽन्योन्याभावस्य अधिकरणे पर्वतादौ धूमादेर्वृत्तावपि नाव्याप्तिः । fault of too narrow application because the counter-positiveness of that (absence) which is determined by state of having that which is to be established is described by the state of being absolute absence and not by the state of being mutual absence. The state of being described by the state of being mutual absence means to be determined by the relation identity alone.
(52) And the state of having that which is to be established, should be known by the relation which delimits the state of that which is to be established, therefore there is no fault of too narrow application in the inference, 'this has fire because of smoke'eventhough the smoke exists on a mountain which is the substratum of the mutual absence of that which has fire by the relation inherence and which (absence) has the
occurrence which indicated by that exists in smoke. Therefore there is fault of too narrow application. When the counter-positive-ness is stated to be indicated by state of being mutual absence there is no fault of too narrow application because there is absence of being determined by the relation of identity in the counter-positive-ness of the absoulute absence. There that absence can't be taken as the absence of that which has sādhya, this is the idea.