प्रथमं लक्षणम्
(त.१) ननु अनुमितिहेतुव्याप्तिज्ञाने का व्याप्तिः ? न तावदव्यभिचरितत्वम् । तद्धि न साध्याभाववदवृत्तित्वम् ।
(दी.१) समारब्धानुमानप्रामाण्यपरीक्षाकारणीभूतव्याप्तिग्रहोपायप्रतिपादननिदानं व्याप्तिस्वरूपनिरूपणम् आरभते-ननु इत्यादिना ।
(जा.१) समारब्धेति । समारब्धं यदनुमानप्रामाण्यपरीक्षणं
The First definition of vyāpti. (T.1) Here author follows the collection of five tentative definitions of invariable-concomitance (vyāpti) Now the question is, in the knowledge of invariable concomitance (vyāpti), which is the cause of inferential knowledge, what is invariable concomitance (vyāpti) ? Infact, it is not the state of having non-deviation of the reason from that which is to be established) because invariable-conocomitance is neither. The non-existence of the reason in such substratum which possesses the absence of that which is to be established
(D.1) By the expression 'Nanu' author Gangesa starts the discussion of the nature of vyāpti which is the cause of the discussion of the method of the graspping vyāpti, which is the reason of examination of validity of inference which is started by author in previous chapter.
(J.1) 'Started'. Started the examination of the validity of inherence, which is the cause of establishing of validity of