द्रव्यत्वादित्यादौ पटत्वादिलक्षणतत्तत्साध्यव्यक्त्यभाववद् गुणादिनिष्ठाभावप्रतियोगिनि द्रव्यत्वादौ अतिप्रसङ्गादिति६१ ध्येयम् ।*
(जा.१३) ननु साध्यवति अपि द्वित्वाद्यवच्छिन्नप्रतियोगिताकस्य सकलसाध्यप्रतियोगिकाभावस्य सत्त्वादसम्भवः,६२ किञ्च सकल
ness' because of the over extention61 in substance-ness' which is the counter-positive of the absence which exists in quality etc. which has the absence of individual particular that which is to be established, in the form of cloth-ness etc.
(J.13) There is fault of impossibility62 because the
61. अतिप्रसङ्गात्-Because of fault to over-extension. Even fall", is not used as
qualifier of that which has the absence of sādhya, if it is not accepted as qualifier of sādhua in the inference; ‘it has the quality which does not occur in the ether because it has substance-ness', etc. also, that attribute which does not exist in ether therefore absence of sādhya would be the absence of potness also which exists in one locus as such quality etc., there the absence of substance-ness exists counter-positive of the absence is substance-ness. Therefore there is fault of over-extension of fourth definition. In this way when ‘all is accepted as qualifier of sādhya, there would not be over-extention because qualitiness also is included in to sādhya. The absence of qualitiness does not exists in quality. The absence of qualitiness exists in eather etc. where reason
substance-ness occures. Therefore there is not fault too wide application. ★ Editor's Note 'इत्थञ्च प्रथमतः साध्ये साकल्यविशेषणोपादाने गुणत्वादेरपि सङ्ग्रहात्
तदभावनान्न गुणादिः किन्तु गगनमात्रं तत्र हेतोर्वृत्तित्वान्नातिव्याप्ति This text is available in Printed book of 24|1843 which is explained by Vāmācaran
bhattacārya, but not translated by translator. 62. 374749:-Fault of impossiblity. In the inference such as “this has fire
because of smoke.” The absence of both fire and pot also, is such