चतुर्थं लक्षणम्
विपक्षैकदेशनिष्ठाभावप्रतियोगिनि व्यभिचारिणि नातिव्याप्तिः, न वा नानाव्यक्तिसाध्यकसद्धेतावव्याप्तिः ।
(जा. १०) ननु सकलस्य साध्यप्रतियोगिकाभावस्याधिकरणाप्रसिद्ध्या व्यभिचारिणि अतिव्याप्तिवारणाय यदि साध्याभावस्य विशेषणं साकल्यं तदा वह्निमान् धूमादित्यादिसद्धेतावव्याप्तिः, तत्रापि तत्तत्सपक्षावृत्तित्वावच्छिन्नाभावरूपस्य ५ ९ तत्तद्विपक्षावृत्तित्वावच्छिन्नाभावरूपस्य च
sadhya. Therefore there is not a fault of too wide application in invalid reason which is counter-positive of the absence which exists in the part of contradictory subject. Nor there is fault of too narrow application in the reason which has many individuals as sadhya.
(J.10) Here is the objection if 'all' is admitted qualifier of the absence of that which is to be established, to avoid the fault of too wide application in a devious reason due to non-establishment of the substratum of all absences of that which is to be established, there would be a fault of too narrow application in the inference; 'this has fire because of smoke,' there also is a fault of nonestablished (sabstratum) the collection of the absence of that which is to be established in the form of the absence of that which is determined by non-existence in that individual counter-subject and in the form of the absences of that which is determined by non-existence in the particular individual definite subject.59
60. तद्तद्विपक्षावृत्तित्त्वावच्छिन्नत्वाभावः – The absence of that which is determined by occurence of reason in that particular subject as water etc. तद्तत्सपक्षावृत्तित्वावच्छिन्नत्वाभाव The absence of that which is determined by occurence in that particular subject as mountain etc.