तृतीयं लक्षणम् (त.३) साध्यवत्प्रतियोगिकान्योन्याभावासामानाधिकरण्यम् ।
(दी.३) कर्मादौ संयोगाद्यभावस्य भिन्नत्वे मानाभावादाहसाध्यवदिति।
(जा.८) भिन्नत्वे इति । द्रव्यनिष्ठसंयोगाभावतो भिन्नत्वे इत्यर्थः । मानाभावादिति । तथा चात्राव्याप्यवृत्तिसाध्यकसद्धेतावव्याप्तिरिति भावः।
The Third definition of vyāpti. (T.3) (Nor,) The not co-existence (of the reason) with such a mutual absence which has the substratum of that which is to be established as its counter-positive.
(D.3) There is no proof to accept the absence of sādhya which exists in movement is different, therefore author says - “Sadhyavaditi.”
(J.8) “In the state of being different,” In the state of being different from that which has the absence of the conjuntion existing in the substance is the meaning.
___Because of the absence of proof. Therefore there is a fault of too narrow application in the inference where that which is to be established is partially existent.56 This is the idea.
56. 372414?fa-Fault of too narrow application in the inference; “this has
conjunction of monkey because of this tree-ness.” Here the absence of conjunction which exists in quality which is different from that