परिगणितत्वात् ।
(६) वस्तुतस्तु साध्याभाववतो न वृत्तिः यत्र इति त्रिपदव्यधिकरणबहुव्रीह्युत्तरं त्वप्रत्ययः, साध्याभाववत इत्यत्र निरूपितत्वं षष्ठ्यर्थः, अन्वयश्चास्य वृत्तौ । तथा च साध्याभावाधिकरणनिरूपितवृत्त्यभाववत्त्वम् अव्यभिचरितत्वमिति फलितम् । न च व्यधिकरणबहुव्रीहिः ९ सर्वत्र असाधुरिति वाच्यम्, अयं हेतुः साध्याभाववदवृत्तिरित्यादौ
(6) Indeed ‘sādhyābhavavato na vrittih yatra iti tripadavyadhikaraṇabahuvrīhyuttaram tvapratyayah', in 'sādhyābhāvavataḥ' the state of being described, is the meaning of relational case, it is semantically connected with vritti (existence). Therefore the resulted meaning is that the state of having the absence of the existence indicated by the substratum of the absence of that which is to be established, is the state of not having deviation. It should not be objected that the usage of bahuvrihi-compound is not correct in all cases because in the sentences, like 'ayam hetuh sādhyābhāvavadavritti' etc., the usage of vyadhikaraṇa-bahuvrīhi compound is justified here
9. Vyadhikaranbahuvrīhi (व्यधिकरणबहुव्रीहि: ) - The bahuvrīhi compound where words which denote qualification and qualifier can't be expressed with same case. In the sentence sadhyabhavadavrittitvam (साध्याभाववदवृत्तित्वम्) there are three words "sadhyabhāvavatah” (साध्याभाववतः) ‘na’ (न) and ‘vrittitvam.' (वृत्तित्वम्) They are not expressed with same case. The qualification sādhyābhāvavataḥ has sixth case ending. The word 'na' is avyaya and word 'vritti' has first case ending.