प्रथमं लक्षणम्
विशेषेण साध्यत्वे आत्मत्वादिहेतावव्याप्त्यापत्तेः । कालिकसम्बन्धावच्छिन्नसाध्याभावस्य विशेषणताविशेषसम्बन्धेन योऽभावस्तस्यापि साध्यस्वरूपतया कालिकसम्बन्धवद्विशेषणताविशेषोऽपि साध्यीयप्रतियोगितावच्छेदकसम्बन्धस्तेन सम्बन्धेनाऽऽत्मत्वप्रकारकप्रमाविशेष्यत्वरूपसाध्याभाववति आत्मनि हेतोरात्मत्वस्य वृत्तेः ।
(१८) प्रतियोगितावच्छेदकवत् प्रतियोग्यपि अन्योन्याभावाभावः,
the reason. This is because the absence by self-some-ness, of the absence of that which is to be established, the counter-positiveness of which is determined by the temporal relation, is also identical with that which is to be established, therefore like the temporal relation the selfsome-ness relation also is the determinant relation of the counter-positive-ness belonging to that which is to be established, by this relation, in the soul which is substratum of the absence of that which is to be established, in the form of sustratum-ness of the valid knowledge which has soulness as a qualifier, soul-ness exists.
(18) The absence of the mutual absence is in the form of counter-positive also accepted like in the form of the determinant of conter-positive-ness, therefore there is no nonestablishment of the counter-positive-ness of that which is to be
where soulness is qualifier. The counter-positive-ness is determined by the temporal relation, by this relation in the locus of the absence of sadhya which is the objectness of valid knowledge, where soulness is qualifier (the locus) is the produced thing where soulness does not