Book Title: Studies In Umasvati And His Tattvartha Sutra
Author(s): G C Tripathi, Ashokkumar Singh
Publisher: Bhogilal Laherchand Institute of Indology
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Umāsvāti on Omniscience 123 2. pratyakşamanyat-Tattvārthasūtra, I 12: 3. Sthānāngasūtra, ed. Sāgarānanda Sūri and re-ed. Jambuvijaya, Delhi,
Motilal Benarasidass, 1985, II-I-71. 4. Laghīyastraya, In: Akalankagranthatraya, ed. Mahendra Kumar Jain,
Ahmedabad and Calcutta, Simghi Jain Granthamālā 1939. 5. For the development of the classification of jñāna in āgama litera
ture, vide. Āgama-yuga kā Jain Darśana, D. Malvania, Jaipur 1990. A good reference book for the epistemology in late ages is Jaina Ontol
ogy by K.K.Dixit, Ahmedabad, L. D. Series 1971. 6. sarvadravyaparyāyeșu kevalasya. -Tattvārthasūtra, I-29. 7. It may be argued that there is the word sarvajña in the auto-commentary.
However, as mentioned above, in this paper the discussion is limited to the original sūtra which both sects regard as authentic and written
by Umāsvāti.In the sūtras the word sarvajña never occurs. 8. matiśrutāvadhayo viparyayaś ca. -Tattvārthasūtra, 1-31. 9. ekādīni bhājyāni yugapad ekasminn ācaturbhyaḥ. -Tattvārthasūtra,
I-30. 10. upayogo lakṣaṇam sa dvividho șacaturbhedaḥ. -Tattvārthasūtra, II
8-9. 11. It should be noted that there are exceptions on the topics. Mallavā
din, for example, belongs to the Svetambara sect and maintains the simultaneous occurence of the jñāna and darśana. This fact was
pointed out by Samani Mangala Prajna at the seminar. 12. Kundakunda shows his opinion on this topic in his Niyamasāra. For
the view shown in the āgama literature see Jain Epistemology by
Indra C. Shastri, Vanarasi, P.V. Research Series, 1990. 13. mohaksayāt jñānadarśanāvaraṇāntarāya-ksayāc ca kevalam.--Tat
tvārtha sūtra X-1. 14. Jaina āgama literature are, in a sense, full of the discription of the
moksa acqired through annihilation of karma. Needless to say that commentators on the Tattvārthasūtra have the same opinion with
Umāsvāti on the attainment of moksa. 15. ārttaraudradharmyaśuklāni. Again sūtra 37 and 28 read: śukle cădye
pūrvavidah, pare kevalinah. -Tattvārthasūtra, IX. 29. 16. See chapter 20 of Praśamaratiprakarana by Y. S. Shastri, Ahmed
abad: L.D. Series 1989. 17. Ācārangasūtra, ed. Sāgarānanda Sūri and re-ed Jambuvijaya, Delhi:
Motilal Banarsidass 1978, II-15-25, p. 281.