Free-Will & Destiny
execute the design faithfully and finish the building in a stated period of time. He employs a number of labourers of different types for different pieces of work. A labourer finishes some part of the work quicker than another, he may achieve his object in any way he likes. The assemblage of materials or implements for construction is made in different ways and not in any given or standard method. Thus the contractor and the individual labourers have freedom limited by the clause that the building has to be of a particular type and has to be got ready within the stated time.
Here is a point worthy of note: Occultists say that the ruling Masters have a particular plan to carry out in connection with each cycle, but the methods and the means to achieve the end are not rigidly fixed. We come across examples where Masters have endeavoured to bring about certain results, have failed, and have changed their method and so forth. For example, the Masters tried to avert the last World War. They did not succeed. Then they made use of the forces let loose by the war to further the human evolution. And then again at the end of each period depending on the results. achieved, plan for the next period is planned, depending, to some extent, on the peculiarities of the Ruler of the time. This shows that only the outline of the plan is fixed and not the details. The details can be changed and have been changed. Free-will and Destiny are two sides of the same plane Because there is free-will, is destiny (Law) a necessity. Just as darkness exists because there is light. Therefore, it should be possible for man to improve his destiny by using his free-will.
Desire produces thought, thought leads to action, action repeated forms habit, habits build character and character determines the destiny.
Mind receives external impressions through our senses-jana-indrivas. These impressions create desire in the mind. Mind sends out orders, which ultimately build our character, and the destiny is good or bad according as our character is good or evil. To produce good destiny which depends upon good character, we must control the mind so that it gives rise to good desires. This however, seems to be a difficult job. Normally mind is not under our control. it is the mind that controls us, the mind runs hither and thither like a monkey. We need to know how to control the mind. Mind cannot be killed or suppressed. It is the mind that can help man evolve or degrade. The desires therefore have not to be killed but transmitted. This can be done by our higher nature-the will-the ego or the Monad or the ATMAN. Ego. Monad, Atman are the words that are used synonymously for the same object inspite of some distinction between them. The Atman, through the will can control the mind. In an ordinary individual, the Arman has become weak, and has lost its authority over the mind. It is something like this:
Sambodhi XI-2
Jain Education International
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