Sages which was under the guidance of Acarya Virasena before his ears were pricked i. e. when he was in his childhood. He had observed celebacy from his very childhood to the end of his life. He was neither very beautiful nor very clever. Intellect, calmness, and modesty were the qualities implanted by nature in him. His body was very thin. He had acquired thorough knowledge of the Jain philosophy. He had spent his whole life: in acquiring knowledge. By the learned he was called knowledge incarnate [ ज्ञानपिण्डः ]. His intellect, as stated in the Praśasti, had been very mature when he had undertaken the work of writing the Jayadhavala commentary. This statement made by himself, is due to his modesty. The following extract of some stanzas from the Prasasti deserves to be quoted here.
तस्य शिष्योऽभवच्छ्रमाञ्जिनसेनः समिद्धधीः अविद्धावपि यत्कणौं विद्धौ ज्ञानशलाकया ।। २७ ।। यस्मिन्नान्न भव्यत्वान्मुक्तिलक्ष्मीः समुत्सुका । स्वयं वरीतुकामेव श्रोतीं मालामयूयुजत् ॥ २८ ॥ येनानुचरितं बाल्याद्ब्रह्मव्रतमखण्डितम् । स्वयंवर विधानेन चित्रमूढा सरस्वती ।। २९॥ यो नातिसुन्दराकारो न चातिचतुरो मुनिः । तथाऽप्यनन्यशरणा यं सरस्वत्युपाचरत् ॥ ३० ॥ श्रीः शमो विनयश्चेति यस्य नैसर्गिका गुणाः । सूरीनाराधयन्ति स्म, गुणंराराध्यते न कः ॥ ३१ ॥ यः कृशोऽपि शरीरेण न कृशोऽभूत्तपोगुणैः । न कृशत्वं हि शारीरं गुणं रेव कृशः कृशः ।। ३२ ॥ यो नाग्रहीत्कपिलिका ( ? ) नाऽप्यचित्त यदञ्जसा तथाऽप्यध्यात्म विद्यान्धः परं पारमशिश्रियत् ॥ ३३ ॥ ज्ञानाराधनया यस्य गतः कालो निरन्तरम् । ततो ज्ञानमयं पिण्डं यमाहुस्तत्वदर्शिनः ॥ ३४ ॥
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