( 11 ) As this was my first attempt of giving publicity to my thoughts in the form of a book and as the time at my disposal was short, it was almost impossible to have completed this work but for the valuable advice and assistance of my friends. It is a pleasure to record here my thanks and my gratitude to those who willingly helped me in this work. My special thanks are due to my friend Prof. P. V. Kulkarni, MA, who sacrificed his precious time in veryfying the English translation. I gratefully recall, too, many pleasant hours spent with my friend, Mr. C. S Modi. B A., who helped mne by making various suggestions and criticisms. Lastly, my highest gratitude is to the author himself who reviewed my Gujarati translation and notes and who willingly corrected the Sanskrit proofs. I avail myself of the present opportunity to acknowledge my indebtedness to the authors of the variou; works such as the Science of Thought, the Nyayavatara, the History of the medieval school of Indian Logic etc. I should be failing in duty if I omitted here to state that I derived a great deal of help from the Jaina Gazette.
In conclusion, I crave indulgence of the readers for the imperfections and the unconscious expression of the thoughts alien to the soil of Jainism. However, I most cordially invite valuable suggestions and criticisms from all quarters. November 1921
H. R. Kapadia. BOMBAY.
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