( 10 ) As the work deals with the substances that constitute the universe, it may be looked upon as coming under the class of Dravyanuyoga, one of the four Anuyogas under which the Jainas arrange their literature. Annyoga means the exposition of the principles of Jainism as laid down in the sacred works. The four Anuyogas above referred to are Charananuyoga or the exposition of the rules of conduct, Ganitanuyoga or the exposition of the sciences like Mathematics, Kathanuyova or the exposition of allegories, parables, stories, fables, etc., illustrating the principles of Jainism and Dravyanuyoga or the exposition of the substances existing in and comprising the universe. It should not be mistaken that as Dravyanuyoga is mentioned last, it is of the least importance ; on the contrary, it is the most important, as without its aid, it is not possible to understand the other Anuyogas.
After reading Nyaya-kusumanjali with the author, I thought it better to prepare a Gujarati translation of this work for my future guidance. While I was so engaged, it struck me that it would be more desirable to take up the English translation as well. First of all, I hesitated to undertake this work, as I had very little knowledge of the various subjects treated in this book. However, being inspired by the author and believing that even failures are disguised steps to success I undertook to translate this book into Eng. lish and Gujarati and to write explanatory notes, with an idea that my attempt, however imperfect, would be fruitful, if it could help some one to grasp the fundamental tenets of Jainism.
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