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Then alone can one be free from the dualities and other temptations of life that balk the path. If you can merge yourself in the devotion of Arihaant(Omniscience Supreme God) by concentrating on the tip of the nose, you become free from distractions that fritter away the spiritual propensities.
Acharya describes the life of an ascetic-saint who has renounced everything and lives on the alms of devotees. He uses no untensils, but only his palms, for accepting food. He is clad only by the four directions of the firmament. His devotee, a Seth follows him with devout zeal and dedication.
Acharya discusses in this canto about Purusha and Prakriti, individual conciousness and creation, Atman and creation, man and woman. He tells that Purusha is a Yogi and Prakriti is his sahayogi or co-operating one or companion and stands by him in spiritual practice or sadhana till the highest state is attained. Dynamic actions and reactions are of prakriti or kinetic principle of life.
There is another topic of discussion which touches Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of medicine. He dwells upon the need of proper diet, and control of breath, and Yogic exercises, etc. Here we find a very interesting song in praise of Bhu or 'earth'. He also elucidates the 'mud'- therapy as a cure for many diseases. Herein he also dwells upon the four stages of speech. Para transcendental, Pashyanti illuminated stage of insight, the Madhyama the middle path of speech and the Vaikhari the common speech. He also discusses how speech and Yoga are inter connected and lead to spiritual realisation when harnessed to that purpose.
The greatest hurdle in the path of spiritual progress is the unruly ego of man uncontrolled. It is detrimental. When the inflated ego is hurt, it becomes a source of all terrorist activity in society.
It is only when the ego is wounded/Terrorism verily starts.
" * CTH 7897 ATET,/3109r 77 398R ETT I” (q.88C) Finally Acharya tells us :
Now you must descend from/The boat of Ego Maan Vardhaman is beyond ego./Bow at his feet in supplication You'll cross the endless ocean of sin. "मान-यान से अब/नीचे उतर आओ तुम !/जो वर्धमान होकर मानातीत हैं
godt at #gforera /3747 979-HTRA RETT TH!" (9.8??) Acharya takes up another important topic, the virtue of vegetarianism as it is founded on the compassion for all living beings. He can understand the need of punishment for correcting the criminal activity in society. But he does not approve of Capital punishment at all. He asserts emphatically that "cruelly punishing a criminal is itself a form of criminality. This itself is a crime, a drift from true justice":