Book Title: Lalit Vistara
Author(s): Rajendralala Mitra
Publisher: Asiatic Society

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Page 119
________________ CHAPTER 11. first word means" of one born six months," and the recond " of a boy." The third word is a compound of bhitli an phaiah's Bhitti means the walls of a room, and thence the bow.lary line, and phalaka" plank," or "a bar of wood." Pat these togeti I corno to "a bedstead, the bars of whose boundary, (i.., the framework) are ft for an infant six waonths old;" in other words a bassinet large enough for an intant of the age of six months. The thir: a worls being separated by, the neaning luu bucomo «ubious ilai they been compounded into one word, they would have been more consonant with the yopius of the Saurkrit language. 12. Urayasura sandal-10001, q. 101. Vragu means a serpent, and siiru an essence, i. c., the wool that has the Cesenc. of serpents in it. It is popularly believed that forest of sandal-wood aru inore or less infested by cobras, and the sanuultres vuli is most infested by colros produce the finest wood. Another very highly prize variety of the sundal-wood is called yosh'sld, or fin learl of the cow.'' It is so banned from its being produced 012 nountain calle Corsha. (BURO's IListvirtilu Budilhisme in lien, p. 6199.) 13. Is soft to the couch as the low on the pod of the Alrus porocaiorus, p. 101. The Sanskrit original of this is Kuchiliniilcusukkı-savsparsha. M foucaux rerders it into “El est doneo iu toucher compie un vitement de Kalebalinılı" (p. 32.) Commeutuy on it he says, “Is deux manuscrits sunscrits scrivent Katchilindi. Get mot, dont je ne tronve nulle part l'explication, est le noin d'une étofte, et peut-être celui de l'endroit où onl: fabriynait." (H. 19.) Elsewhere he adds, "Le louriņas diument co nom au pays situé sur la côt le Coromandel, depuis Cuttack jusqu'aux environs du Madras. Les cditions tibetaines ont eurit kalinga ; le inanuxerits sanscrits out Kálindika et Katchilindikir." (p. 72.) The words "sukha' piea. sant,' and s parsha, 'touch'"aro of obvious import; the only cloubtful Word is the first, and it does not occur in arwy Sanskrit dictionary. To assume then that it is the name of a country, and doluce therefrom that some soft stuff of that country is meant are rather venturesome. The word Kuchinchika in Sanskrit means the Abrus precatorius, and as the down ou its pods is of a velvety character, as soft to the touch as possiblo, I have accepted it to be the right meaning. The Indians are peculiarly fond of drawing their comparisons from natural objects,


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