Book Title: Lalit Vistara
Author(s): Rajendralala Mitra
Publisher: Asiatic Society

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Page 192
________________ 190 LALITA-VISTARA. CHAPTER XI. VISIT TO AN AGRICULTURAL VILLAGE. Vimit to an agitulturol village Tuposo under a tree. Tour meditations. Aduruti by five Richis. Seach for we. l'rince. Discovered wdor the tree. The anime of the studow of the truc. Corroborative (átlás. Thus, Bhikslus, did the Prince thrive in his youth. On one occasion he went, along with other boys, sons of ministers, to visit an agricultural villeget After seeing the agricultural works he entered a gard.". There, rambling about, alone without a serou, he beheld a pleasant, nice-!ooking Jambu tree. lle sat under its shadow. When be was seated his mind was absorbed into one want. Thus absorbeil, he engaged himself with care au correspection in a contemplation devoiil of desires, siny, and inausp ai works. This was the first contemplation, the fruit of discrimination. and full of affectionate joy. Then came the scoured contemplation, which results from the purity of mind engem ned by the argumentative and the deliberative states, and in which from the malterability of the mind there results perfect nou-argumitative and non-deliberative conditions.3 lu that stufe, from indifference to affection, he was inditlerent, and, knowing that he was full of menory, he felt felicity in his body. Wheu the proficient knew that the indifferent one, full of Inemory, and joy ons, realised the object less third contemplation. Then from the destruction of linth pleasure and pain and from the isolation om lownes, ami exhileration of mind lie realized the fourth contemplation, in which the memory, rejecting all Idens of pleasure and pain, is puritied. At that time five forcign Rishis, who knew well the five (conditions of things) and were full of miraculous powers, were travelling in the air from the south towards the north. When they came over the noble grove : they felt obstructod, and could not proceed. Feeling doubtful and borripilated, they recited the following Gáthás :


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