Book Title: Lalit Vistara
Author(s): Rajendralala Mitra
Publisher: Asiatic Society

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Page 203
________________ OHAPTER XI. 199 your wish, what maiden do you think would be worthy of the Prince ?" Thereupon each out of the five hundred S'úkyas there assembled, said : “My daughter is beautiful and worthy of thio Prince.". The king said, “The Prince is hard to please, and so I mustenquire of him what sort of u mailen will be most agreeablo to him." Thereupon the S'ák yas waited upon tho Prince and desired to know his wielies. The Prince said, " You will have a reply on the seventh day." He then reflected, Well know were to me the endless evil of lust; lust is the root of :ill ermities, confusion, grios, and pain ; it is dreadful as the venomous serpent, burning as a fire, keen as the sword; I have no longiug or desire for lust, nor can I rejoice in a female apartment, for I should dwell in silence in a grove, with a peaceful mind, inunured in the joys of contemplation and meditation.' Then arguing the subject in his inind, taking into consideration the facility of the ineans (or attaining perfoctiou), and maturing the ond of truth, in greut compussion recited the followiny Gátháy. “Lotuses in sacred tanks sprouting from mirel and spreading on water in their radiauce, arc admired by all. Shoulil the Bodbisattva acquire the expericuce of doinestic life, he will he able to place millions and millions of beings in immortality. (1) "Bodhisattvas, who in former times acquired truo knowledge, had all acquired the experience of wives, sons and gynacea; they were not affected by lust, nor deprived of the joys of contemplation, and verily I shall learn their merits. (2) "The muiden who would be worthy of me should not be a common ouc. She, who has no envy, who is ever truthful, evor vigilant, and thoroughly purc in beauty, birth, lineage and race; is the person to gratify my mind. (3) "I shall need the maiden who is accomplished in writing and in compoming poptry, who is endowed with good qualities. No common, unaecomplished person shoo be fit for me; I shall wed her only who is mis perfect as I describe. (4)


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