Book Title: Lalit Vistara
Author(s): Rajendralala Mitra
Publisher: Asiatic Society

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Page 248
________________ 2.16 LALITA-VISTARA the quality of good behaviour; his object was to direct well tho actions of the body, speech, and mind; he always looked with fear at even the minutost vileness ; pure was his conduct; defcctless and stainless was his mind; bis mind abhorred all evil, discourse, harsh words, raillery, scandal, chastisemeut, reprimands, killing, imprisonment, restraint and rain ; he was endowed with the aroma of forbearance; his mind was unbroken, unstruok and unagitated; lie bad, for the good of all beings, adopted the support of burning rigour; he us the root of all blessings; his womory was unfailing in the cause of religion, he was thoroughly learned; he had thorough self-control; he was of uudisturbed mind; he hind fixed his inind on concentratod meditation; he was an aliept in spreading religion widely; he had attained the true light; he was free from cloud and darkness; liis soul wag untonched by unstayable pain ; his heart dwelt on the picture of well-being; memory, understanding, thorough renuuciation, occult powers, control of the organs, the storus of knowledge, the path, the most revered truths, all the conditious of the Bodhi knowledge trere under his controul; his mind was invuluerable in the feeling of equality and fraternity; ho believed in the principle of production from cause ; knowing the truth he did not attribute the causo to a wrong source ; he de. lighted in the three passages to completo deliverance; be knew the following of all laws to be unreal as a delusion, a mirage, a dream, a moon in water, an echo, a reflectiun. Now Bhikshus, this happened to the Bodhisattva. Thus exbilarated by the inpumcrable Gáthás issuing from the music through the intluenco of the Buddbas of the ten quarters of the globe, be at the line realised before him the four preliminaries of the former Bodhisattvas when they had matured their career in their venana, and were about to attain their final stage. What were these four? They were Ist, charity, sweet speech, acquisi. tion of wealth, and cguality ; this is callou tuo duty of the application and purification of the fourfold acquired property which he brought face to face. The second was called the duty of refleo.


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