Book Title: Lalit Vistara
Author(s): Rajendralala Mitra
Publisher: Asiatic Society

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Page 239
________________ CHAPTER XIII. 237 "Even as is a lake full of serpents, or a pitcher full of urine, so are the passions known to be by wise men. They are troublo. some and inimical like spikes, like the falchions of warriors,* like the nails of dogs,t like the enmity of monkeys. (68) “The qualities of the passions are (unsteady) liko the image of the) woon in water; (inreal) as a reflection, as the echo in a mountain, as a shadow, as a scene on the stago, as a dream--so are they known to be by men of experience. (09) “ The qualities of the passions last only for a moment; they are delusive) as the mirage; (hollow) as the froth and bubbles on water; they are evolved froin false imaginings: so say all wise men. (70) "In the dawn of youth wheu the lody is in its perfect beauty, it is the occupation of youth to love, to long, to cherish. When it is undone by age, disease, and pain it is abandoned ovcu as a deer forsakes a dried up rivir. (71) "To care for, love, and hold dear wealth, corn and goods of diverse kinds is the occupation of youths; but when wenlth is wasted, and distress supervenes, men forsake them as an cnipty wilderness. (72) "Like a plant in blossom or a tree bearing fruils, a man in wealth is engaged in acts of beneficencu and gratifications for others; but when he lias lost his wealth, and is decayed and reduced to the necessity of begging, he becomes unwelcome liku a vulture. (73) of tempering in which honey is used; but all viscid duids causo slow cooling. and are tborefore more or less adapted for temporing. Tho comparison is common enough in the former mense. • Drija-pesisame in the original, literally like the "flow" pes'i, of the twiceborn drejn, of the Hesh of birds. Pes't also means a scabbard, and I tuke it to be equivalent to a xword. Dviju or twice-born may woll stand for Kshatriyas or the warrior custe. Drija is also used to imply a sorpaut und pew'i inay stand for uggs, ..., they are serponts' ogge, pregnant with mischicf. + I am doubtful about this runduring, the word in the origioul, ia svánakara the hum of a dog.'


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