Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 61
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, S Krishnaswami Aiyangar, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarka
Publisher: Swati Publications
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( JANUARY, 1932
14. Mithyd, kapat; asat trovum
Manas kurum suy opadesh. Zanas andar keval zonum;
Annas khinas kus chum dish. I gave up falsehood, deceit (and) untruth
The same doctrine I taught my mind. Of mankind I knew Him alone;
What hatred (then) have I in eating the food ? (i.e., none).
Omay akuy akshar purum,
Suy, ha máli, rutum wundas manz ; Suy, ha máli, kanth pèth gurum ta tsurum,
A8a8 sds ta sapanis sun. I read one single word, Om,
The same, O father, I grasped in mind; The same, O father, I forged and shaped upon a stone,
I was ashes and became gold.
Parum polum ; apuruy purum,
Kesari wana wolum rațit shal; Paras prunum ta pânas polum,
Ada gom ma'lum ta zinim hal. I acted up to what I read; I read (i.e., was revealed to me) what was unread; I brought down the lion (i.e., mind) from the forest (i.e., worldly temptations)
sub lueil [like) a jackal. I preached to others and practised myself, Then I became aware and won the polo ball (ie., achieved success).
17. Parun sulab palun durlab.
Sahaz gårun sukshm ta kruth. Abhyasaki ghaniray; shåstr muthum,
Teetan Anand niscey gom. Reading is easy [but) acting up to it is difficult.
To search out the Real and True (i.e., God) is subtle and difficult. I forgot the scriptures; by excessive practice, The Living Bliss (i.e., God) became assured to me.
18. Sahanaki sali la yuduay mal käsak,
Åsak aina khuta prazlawun shina khula prun. Panay marak pânay lasak ;
Lagak un, zor, kol la run. Shivas satin yeli kathan rasak,
Shiv chuk panay thav pritshun. If thou dispelleth dirt by the water of suffering,
Thou shalt be more glittering than a mirror [and] fairer than enow. At thy will thou wilt die ; at thy will thou wilt live;
Thou wilt pretend to be blind, deaf, dumb and limbless. When thou wilt revel in talk with Siva,
Thou art thyself siva ; stop inquiring.