Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 17
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 11
________________ JANUARY, 1888.] THE TWELVE-YEAR CYCLE OF JUPITER. 45 to 53. In its leading feature, it is the same with their ghasis and palas) which has been with Garga's system; but it differs a little made (in the preceding verses), (is) clumsy, from Garga's, in introducing Abhijit, in addi- (and is only) for the practical purposes of tion to the twenty-seven nakshatras. The astrologers. Now I will explain the accurate moon's daily mean motion, -13 degrees, 10 (method) taught by (Paliśa, Vasishtha, Garga, minutes, 35 seconds,-is taken as the average and other) sager, for the purpose of securing space of a nakshatra. And, as the total of the (good) results in the case of a marriage, A spaces thus allotted to the usual twenty-seven journey, &c. On this point, those who are nakshatras, on a similar arrangement of un- versed in that (branch of the science) say, that equal spaces, amounts to only 335 degrees, 45 six (nakshatras) have (each) a space which is minutes, 45 seconds, the remainder, -4 degrees, one-and-a-half times of the average space); 14 minutes, 15 seconds,-is allotted to Abhijit, (viz.) Visakha, Aditibha (Punarvası), and the as an addititional nakshatra, placed between dhruvas (Rohiņi, Uttara-Phalgani, UttardUttara-Ashadhi and Sravana. This system, Ashâdha, and Uttara-BhadrapadA). And six which I would name the Brahma-Siddhanta have a half space (each); (viz.) those the system of unequal spaces, is best explained lords of which are Bhôgin, Radra, Vata, by Bhaskaracharya," in his Siddhanta-Siromani, Antaka, and Indra, and Varuwa [Asleshii Part iii. chapter 2 (Grahagaạitaspashtadhikâra), Ardrâ, Svati, Bharaņi, Jyêshthâ, and Satabhishaj verses 71 to 74. His text, and his own com- (Satatáraka)]. The remaining fifteen (rakshamentary on it, are as followe: tras) have one space (each). The average) Sthulam kritam bh-anayanam yad etaj space of a nakshatra is declared to be the (daily) jyotirvidam samvyavabára-hôtô111 71 mean motion of the moon [790 35"(=13° 10' Sakshmam pravakshyê=tha muni-pranita 35")]. [A one-and-a-half space (in) 1185' 521 vivaha-yâtr-adi-phala-prasiddhyai (=19° 45' 521) A half space (ix) 395/ 17" adhyardha-bhôgåni shad atra taj-jñaḥ (=6° 35' 17")]. The space of the nakshatra prôchur Visakh-Aditibha-dhruvâņi | 72 Abhijit (which comes) next after Vaisva Shad 'ardha-bhôgâni cha Bhôgi-Rudra (Uttara-Ashadha) is (the remainder, 254' 15" Vât-Antak-Endr-adhipa-Vâruņini (=4° 14' 15"), of] the minutes of the whole śêshậny=ataḥ pañchadas=aika-bhogany circle, diminished by the spaces of all the uktô bha-bhôgah sasi-madhya-bhaktiḥ 11 73 (other) nakshatras." Sarv-arksha-bhôg-ônita-chakra-liptâ The longitudes of the ending points of all the Vaisv-âgratah syâd Abhijid-bha-bhôgah | 74 nakshatras according to this system, are given Commentary. - Iha yan nakshatr-Anayanan in the last column of Table II. on the lower part kritam tat sthậlam loka-vyavahâr-artha-ma- of page 3 above. And, as before, the entries tram kțitam | Atha Palića-Vasishtha-Garg- of and is in the previous sub-column, mark adibhir yad vivAha-yatr-adau samyak-phala- the spaces which differ from the average space. siddhy-artham kathitam tat sukshmam idanim Now, the additional nakshatra Abhijit, pravakshyê H Tatra shad adhyard ha-bhôgâni introduced in this system, is not taken into Visakha Punarvasu Rohiny-Uttara-trayam account among the nakshatras from which the atha shad ardha-bhôgáni | Aslesh-Ardrá Svati names of the months are derived. The quesBharaņi Jyêshtha Satabhishak 1 ébhyah tion, therefore, arises, -what name is to be śêshåņi pañchadas-aika-bhôgâni || Bhôga- given to the samvatsara, when Jupiter rises in pramiņam ta sasi-madhya-bhuktil 790 35 A bhijit ? It can be solved thus. Abhijit is adhyardha-bhôgah 1185 52 I ardha-bhôgah considered to be composed of the last quarter of 395 1711 Sarv-arksha-bhôgair ûnitânam Uttari-Ashadhi, and the first fifteenth part of chakra-kalận yach chênhan sô=Bhijid- Sravaņa. This is stated in the following verse khôgah 254 15 1. of Vasishtha, as quoted in the commentary, Translation.-" This bringing out of nak- called Piyushadhárd, on the Muhúrta-Chintashatras (i.e. the method of finding nakshatras, mani;--Abhijid-bha-bhôgam atad Visvedev. The system explained by BhAskarAcharya, now given, is just the same as that in the Brahma-Siddhanta. It 1 seems unnecessary, therefore, to give the verses from the Brahma-Siddhanta itself. 0 Soe the verso varshani Kárttik-edini, &c., at page 2 above.


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