Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 17
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 10
________________ THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (JANUARY, 1888. Now the 27th part of the ecliptic circle is Uttara-Phalguni, Uttara-Ashâdha, and Uttaricalled a nakshatra. And 360 degrees, divided Bhadrapada), and Aditya (Panarvasu), Visakha, by 27, gives 13 degrees, 20 minutes (of arc). and also Rohin;' these six (are) of one-andTherefore, there is this much distance from the a-half times (the average) longitude. (The beginning of one nakshatra to the beginning of nakshatras) of which the names are Paushņa the next following. And, when the longitude (Rêvati), sva (Asvini), Kittika, Soma (Mriga), of a heavenly-body exceeds nil, but does not Tishya (Pushya), Pitrya (Magha), and Bhaga exceed 13 degrees 20 minutes, it is said to be (Purva-Phalguni), (and also) Såvitra (Hasta), in Asvini;' and so on. The longitudes of the Chitra, Anûrådha, Mola, Toya (Purvå-Ashaending points of all the nakshatras, on this dha), and Vaishṇava (Sravaņa), (and) Dhasystem of equal spaces, are given in the last nighthâ, and also Ajaikapâd (Porv&-Bhadracolumn but two in Table II., on the lower part pada) ; (this class of nakeshatras) is called the of page 3 above. And generally, whenever we equal class ;' these fifteen (are) of equal(average) meet with a nakshatra with reference to the longitude. (The nakshatras) which have place of a heavenly body, that nakshatra is to the appellations of Yamya (Bharani), Aindra be taken in the above sense. (Jyêshtha), Raudra (Ardra), Vâyavya (Svâti), There is, however, a second method of nam- Sarpa (Aslėghá), and Varuna (Satataraka);' ing the nakshatras with reference to the places these six (are) of half (the average) longitude." of heavenly bodies. And, though it has now In this system, which I would name the gone almost out of use, yet it was undoubtedly Garga system of unequal spaces, the numprevalent to a great extent in early times, and ber of the nakshatras is twenty-seven, as usual. was much made use of, on important religious The average space of a nakshatra, therefore, is occasions at least. The chief feature of it is, 13 degrees, 20 minutes; a one-and-a half space that the space on the ecliptic allotted to each is 20 degrees; and a half space is 6 degrees, 40 nakshatra is not equal. Fifteen nakshatras are minutes. The longitudes of the ending points held to be of an equal average space; but six, of of all the nalshatras, according to this system, one and a half times the average ; and six are given in the last column but one in Table II., others, of only half the average. on the lower part of page 3 above; and the entries A system of unequal spaces, according to of and 14 in the sub-column, mark the spaces this method, is referred to in some of the verses which differ from the average space. N Arada from the Garga-Sanhita, which are quoted and Vasishtha give this system in the same way by Utpala in his commentary on the Brihat- as Garga. It seems to have originated in the Sanhita. The commentary, with the passages fact that the distances between the chief stars, quoted in it, runs called yoga-tárá, of the different nakshatras, are Tatha cha Gargah not equal. The distance is naturally expected Uttaras cha tath-Adityam Visakhân chraiva to be 13 degrees, 20 minutes. But, in some Rôhiņi cases it is less than 7 degrees; while in others êtâni shad adhyardha-bhôgani | it is more than 20 degrees. However, be the Paushn-Âśvi-Krittika - Sôma - Tishya - Pitrya- reason of the system what it may, there is no Bhag-ahvayah doubt that it was extensively in use in ancient Såvitra-Chitr-Ankradha Malam Tôgam cha times. And, that either it, or the very similar Vaishnavam system of the Brahma-Siddhanta, explained Dhanishth=Ajaikapach-ch-aiva sama-vargah below, was still in use, at least on important prakîrtitah occasions, up to A.D. 862, is proved by the étâni pañchadasa sama-bhôgâni 11 Déôgadh inscription of Bhöjadeva of Kanauj; Yâmy-Aindra-Raudra-Váyavya-Sarpa- Våruna- the results for which, calculated by me, have samjitah been exhibited by Mr. Fleet at page 23 below. êtâni shad ardha-bhôgêni 11 Another system of unequal spaces is given "And so Garga says), the Uttarâs i.e. in the Brahma-Siddhanta, chapter xiv. verses "KrittikA, which is now the birth, was, in the sixth century A.D., the third in the order of the nakshatras if reckoned from the vernal equinos. By this name, is to be understood, throughout this paper, the Siddhanta by Brahmagupta.


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