Navya Nyāya. (1) Gangesopādhyāya.
Gangesopādhyāya is considered to be the founder of the Navya Nyāya school. By writing Tattvacintāmaņi he had created the revolution not only in the field of the Nyāya philosophy but in all the branches of the Indian learning. This treatise changed the nature of thought and the method of the discussion of the philosophical doctrines. After the composition of Tattvacintāmaņi mostly all the branches of the Indian philosophy, Rhetoric, Grammar, Literary criticism and even Ayurveda had accepted the new terminology and the method of argumentation of Navya Nyāya inspect of the technical terms like pratiyogitā, avacchedakatā etc. contained in it. All the writers of the later period made the language of Navya Nyāya the medium of expression of their idea. Since the 13th century in India the language of Navya Nyāya had been utilized in all the branches learning.
The contribution of Gangesa to the Indian systems of learning is unparallel in the whole history of indology. There was not even a single writer in the medieval age who was not inspired very much by the magnumopus of Gangeśa named Tattvacintāmani.
Tattvacintāmani of Gangeša is divided into four chapters in which the four pramāṇas : perception, inference, analogy and the verbal testimony had been discussed. Gangesa had made a promise in the beginning of his work by writing the words pramanatattvamatra vivicyate (प्रमाणतत्त्वमत्र विविच्यते ) (here the essence of the means of attaining of the valid knowledge will be discussed). Only because of this reason the Navya Nyāya