Book Title: Trishasti Shalaka Purusa Caritra Part 2
Author(s): Hemchandracharya, Helen M Johnson
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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like a garden in the month of Madhu with new shoots. Fill the city completely with jewels, gold, money, grain, garments, etc., like a cloud the earth with water."
After giving these instructions, he and the other Indras went to Nandiśvara and held an eight-day festival to the eternal statues of the Arhats. Then all the Vāsavas went to their respective abodes. Yakṣa (Kubera) performed Indra's command and went from that city to his own city.
Filled by the Lord of Alaka (Kubera) with lofty heaps of gold like the peaks of Mt. Meru, with lofty piles of silver like the peaks of Vaitāḍhya, with piles of jewels like the wealth of the ocean, with seventeen kinds of grain **
68 62. The 17 kinds of grain' are enumerated by Hem. in a quotation in his com. to Abhi. 4. 233. Dhanya is used in its widest sense, including not only Leguminosa with the Gramineæ, but also hemp, sesamum, etc. The 17 enumerated are:
I. vrihi, rice that ripens during the rains, Oryza sativa.
yava, barley, Hordeum vulgare. masura, lentil, Lens esculenta.
4. godhūma, wheat, Triticum vulgare.
5. mudga, kidney-bean, Phaseolus radiatus, popularly called 'green gram' in India. It is mung in Hindi and mag in Gujarātī. 6. māṣa, another variety of kidney-bean, Phaseolus mungo, 'black gram,' urad (H) and aḍad (Guj.).
7. tila, sesame, Sesamum.
8. canaka, chick-pea, Cicer arietinum.
anava, great millet, Sorghum vulgare. Pk. aņua, Deśī. 1. 52, which is juvara (PE aqua) or juar, Sorghum vulgare. The Sk. original of juār is yavanāla. Deśī. calls it 'salibheda.'
10. priyangu, Italian millet, Setaria Italica (Panicum Italicum). A Sk. synonym is kangu, which also occurs in the vernacular.
II. kodrava, kodo millet, Paspalum scrobiculatum.
12. mayusthaka. In Abhi. 4. 240 mayusthaka occurs, so certainly mayucchaka in Bhav. ed. is an incorrect reading. MW cites mayuṣṭaka L. ' which probably comes from this passage only (the B.R. ed. using that spelling). Hem. gives mayuṣṭhaka as a synonym of makuṣṭhaka, the Phaseolus aconitifolius, moth (H), math (Guj.). MW quotes also mayaṣṭaka, mukuşṭhaka, etc.
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