would occur, sat before the Sivalinga and in a loud voice began his prayers thus:
"Oh Lord. you have shown to the people the three worlds in their true light. in a manner which the founders of other religions have never done; and it is no wonder, for the moon alone can illumine the world with its lustre but not the myriads of stars. I am really surprised that there are some people who are never awakened from the sleep of ignorance by your works. It is no wonder that the sun illumines the whole world' by its light but to the naturally wicked owls it appears as darkness."
Afterwards Siddhasena composed the works Nyāyāvatára, Virastuti, the famous hymn Kalyanamandira containing 44 verses and his well-known Batrisis in which there are at present 30 units having 32 verses in each unit. While composing the hymn Kalyanamandira extempore, he came to the eleventh verse; then all of a sudden the God Dharanendra appeared and by his rowess
1- प्रकाशित त्वयैकेन यथा सम्यग् जगत्त्रयम् ।
समस्तैरपि ना नाथ ! परतीर्थाधिपैस्तथा ॥ १३६ ॥ विद्योतयति वा लोक यथैकोऽपि निशाकरः ।
समुद्गतः समयोऽपि तथा किं तारकागणः ॥ १४० ॥ त्वद्वाक्यतोऽपि केषांचिदबोध इति मेऽद्भुतम् ।
ÀÂÔ¶9: - कस्य नाम नाऽऽलोक हेतवः ॥ १४१ ॥ नौ वाद्भुतमुलुकस्य प्रकृत्या क्लिष्टचेतसः । स्वच्छा अपि तमस्त्वेन भासन्ते भास्वतः कराः ॥ १४२ ॥
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