Book Title: Sanmati Tarka
Author(s): Siddhasen Divakarsuri, Sukhlal Sanghavi, Bechardas Doshi, Dalsukh Malvania
Publisher: Jain Shwetambar Education Board Paydhoni Mumbai
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- Kramavāda and Saba. | Pariņāmavāda 30:12; 154.20 vāda of Jñāna and Pariņāmavādi 155.1
Darsana p. 68-80 * Pariņatis ( modifications ) ---Kramavāda 68.21;75 24; 158.8
78.16, 18; 19.3, 10 Parisuddbarayavāda 165.16, - Sahavada 73,5.9,21; 7523; 166.3
24; 76.6, 9, 16; 78.26,28; / Particular (Visesa) 79.3,10
ization 4.6 - Oneness of Jñāna and -- phenomenal viewpoint
Darsana 79.22; 81.1, 22; (Dravyarthikanaya) 176.13 87.8; 88,3; 98.3
mutual identity of gene
ral and 109.7, 10, 12, 14, IP
17, 18; 110.8, 12, 13, 15. Padārtha
16, 18, 21. 22, 29; 111.4, --- bas origination, destruc
7; 112.15, 17. 19, 24, 27; tion and permanence
113.16 102.11
-- not false 130.21, 24; 131. -- exposition of 178 7; 159.
8, 10, 13, 17 16
- See also Višeşa Paramāņu (atom )
Paryá ya 121,4 - gnalities reside in 134.7
-identity with dravya -union of 156 10
106.24; 107.5, 10, 17 disonion of 156.8
- different from dravya nityavāda of Vaiseşikas 108.10 167.29
--identity as well differsee also anu and atom
ence (bhinnābhinna view Parasa inaya (non-Jain philo. of Anekāntavāda) from sophies) 164.13; 166.24, 25, dravya 108.14, 15 27; 167.7
--and Guņa 120.12, 19; Pariņâ ma 155.2, 13, 27 ) 121.1, 3, 4, 5, 10. 16; 122.
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