Book Title: Sanmati Tarka
Author(s): Siddhasen Divakarsuri, Sukhlal Sanghavi, Bechardas Doshi, Dalsukh Malvania
Publisher: Jain Shwetambar Education Board Paydhoni Mumbai
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[ 191
Ārambha, theory of 30,7, | Atindriya 135.14 15
Ātman (Soul) 25.17;167.13,29 -See also under Creation -See also soul and Utpatti
Ātmapradeśa 158.20 Āraṁbhaka Paramāņu (Ele- Attributes (Qualities, Ganas) mentary atom) 156.8
-Whether different from Aribanta 80.26
the substance or identical Arthuntarabhāvaprāpti
with it 118.5,8,23; 119.4, vināśa 146.15
13. 16 Artha Paryüya 34.9, 11, 26; and Paryāyas 122; 123,3
35.15; 36,3; 38 15,23; 45.4; 12, 24; 124.26 46.2;101.14;113.20;114.14,16 --See also Guņa and Artificial Creation 142.19. Quality -See under Creation. | Aupaśamika - Bhava 565.15;
Samudāyavāda, and 104.11 Utpatti
A vadhi Darsana 86,2 Asad vāda 169 6, 9, 176.10 -- Arguments for its exis. -- See also under Creation tence 96.6, 10, 12, 15 and Utpatti
Avadhi Jñāna 81.16; 82,19 Asad vādi (a liar) 177.5 Avagraha 86.25; 87.18; 89.1, Asadvádi (one who believes 20; 91.3, 10; 95.2; 89.24, 26 in Asad vāda)
Whether Avagraba is - See Asad vāda, Creation Darsana 86.25; 87.18; and Utpatti
89.1, 20; 91.3, 10; 95.2; Asankhyāta (immeasurable) 89.24, 26. i 107.24; 163.8
Avayava 155.8 Asatkāryavāda 170:13 | Avayavi (aggregate, having A sat-Vastu 170.19
avayavas) 144,14; 155.28 Ābrava (inflow of Karmic | Avyaktadaśā, (latent stage) matter) 163.18
1 17.11
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