the doctrines (णय) of ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, and शिव. 206 असिआउसं. For note on this expression see MP. Vol I, page 653. 23 अमिउं, पियह कण्णंजलिहि, drink the nectar, i. e., my Poem, with the अञ्जलि of your ears. Compare कर्णाअलिपुटपेयं विरचितवान भारताख्यममतं यः । तमहमरागमकृष्णं कृष्णद्वैपायनं वन्दे.
4. 10b सत्था i. e., स्वस्था, quiet, peaceful, happy.
5. 14a जित्तसत्तूसुए, son of जितशत्रु, i. e., अजित, the second तीर्थकर. 18b जंभारिणा, by इन्द्र.
6. 40 सईइ सई धारियउ, held or picked up by शची herself.
8. 12 किं जाणहं सोसिउ उवहि, what do you think? The ocean became dry as gods were carrying water for the bath of संभवजिन.
9. 13 पई मुइवि, त्वां मुक्त्वा , वर्जयित्वा, except yourself.
11. 7a कत्तियसियपक्खि i. e. कार्तिक + असित+पक्षे, कार्तिक कृष्णपक्षे, Compare गुणभद्र 49. 41 जन्मरूं कार्तिके कृष्णचतुर्थ्यामपराह्मगः. 11 णाणे णेयपमाणे, his knowledge which was co-extensive with ज्ञेय, knowables, i,e., the केवलज्ञान.
13.5a जक्खिदमउडसिहरुद्धरिउ, coming out from the top of the crown of यक्षेन्द्र, i. e. कुबेर.
14. 106 दहगुणिय तिण्णि सहस, i. e., thirty thousand. गुणभद्र however mentions twenty thousand.
15. la भवियतिमिरु, ignorance of the भव्य persons. 14 सिंगारंगह i.., शृङ्गाराङ्गस्य, ie., शृङ्गारभूमेः.
1.1 for fefqug forats, one who wards off or controls the base, fazer, senseorgans, i.e., a तीर्थकर, here अभिनन्दन. 18 जीहासहसेण विणु, in the absence of one thousand tongues. The contear has one thousand tongues and hence capable of praising all aspects of a तीर्थंकर, but पुष्पदन्त. the poet; has only one tongue and hence unable to do justice to the qualities of a तीर्थंकर.
3. 16 सणियउं वियरइ, walks gently so as to cause no injury to a living being. 50 तिण्णि तिउत्तरसय, the expression is eliptic, but clearly refers to 363 doctrines of heretics, as the lection faciliore of AP indicates.
5.7b सव्वु सवारिउ, he accomplished it completely.
6. 12 आसणथणहरणि, by the shaking of his seat. इन्द्र learnt, on account of the shaking of his seat, that a fort was born.
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