22. 56 7 9 i. e. 7, the discus. 13a cafofo TË THOTE afe, there are hundreds of रथात, i.e., चक्रवाक birds in lakes but can they catch a maddened elephant ?
4. 7 fafata ca e, giving delight to men who were modest or humble though rich. Note that the word fafaute has no case-ending of the Genitive. See हेमचन्द्र iv. 345.
6. 3a gaffe Tafafcaft, there is no mention of the name of the month here, Elsewhere, i. g. in , the month of Fre is mentioned, but we cannot have gone on the full-moon day of 19. The month therefore must be 19. Is the confusion due to the difference in the method of naming the months in the northern and southern India ?
14. la 7431 ( TIF ), the wheel, i. e., discus, the weapon of a wafat. 19, 10 fact s , the drippling of dirty rainwater.
2. 5b ofa afura fu fata 1993, where the sun (U13, 95 ) could not be seen because of the rays of gems. The gems were so numerous and vast that their rays even eclipsed the sun.
3. 5b कोडिसिलासंचालणधवलहु, the line refers to the exploit of त्रिपृष्ठ the first वासुदेव who lifted up the कोटिशिला. See LI. above.
4. 136 TTESTATTHUÊ, by a series of gifts passing or exchanged between fari and 3rfader. 14 forfir f3, Aff; an astrologer.
5. 96 si qog5 3 ta, when th, i. e., fastu ada renounced the world, I (the Brahmin astrologer says ) also became a monk with him.
6. lla Atmaqs, given by my father-in-law (TA). Even in modern Marathi the father-in-law is called HTHT.
8. 24 अमोहजीहु, the name of the astrologer. 75 जेणुव्वरसि by which you will survive the calamity.
11. 36 forage, the AP reading foreporre is easier. The meaning of the expression is 'binding tissues. 96 953 turn. The word at, meaning a turn, is preserved in Marathi,
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