The samdhi gives the story of सगर, the second चक्रवर्तिन् of the Jainas.
1. 2 मगहाहिब, ie, श्रेणिक, the king of the मगध country who asked गौतम इन्द्रभूति to tell him the lives of sixtythree great mon 4 For दाहिणपलि AK originally read उत्तरयलि but K corrects it to दाहिणयलि which agrees with गुणभद्र's उत्तरपुराण:
द्वीपे प्राग्विदेहस्य सीताप्राग्भागभूषणे ।
विषये वत्सकावत्यां पृथिवीनगराधिपः ॥ 48. 58.
12 घरचूलाल, the capital पृथ्वीपुर which struck or scratched the surface of the sky with the tops ( चूला) of its houses.
2. 96 सिसुमोहणीउ मुणिहिं वि दुवार, affection to children is irresistible even to monks 10 जिणवरवयणु रसायणु, the councillors of the king gave him the elixir, viz., the teachings of the Jinas to overecome his grief.
4. 3a इयरु विie महारुतमन्त्री 56 किउ दोहिमि पडिवोहणणिबंधु, god महाबल ( formerly king जयसेन ) and god मणिकेतु (formerly महास्त मन्त्री ) made an agreement that whoever was born as a human being first, should be reminded by the other who continued to be 3 or god, of this fact,
5. 9-10 The fourteen jewels of the sovereign ruler.
6. 30 जिव भर तिव समरहू जि होइ, ie, सगर got as much wealth as भरत, the first चक्रवर्तिन्
7. 1a मयमउलवियणयण, elephants have their eyes closed on account of their मद, rut or rutting season. 10a रयणकेउ, i. e., मणिकेतु,
8. 98 तरुणहि कोक्किन्जइ हसिवि ताउ, young women laugh at him and call him papa, father ( ताउ, तात ).
10. 20 देवसाहू o मणिकेतु, who, being a god, assumed the form of a monk. 12. Description of the descent of the मङ्गा.
Jain Education International
14. 20 विहि ऊणी सट्टि sixty thousand sons, minus two viz., भीम and भईरहि or भगीरथ who alone escaped death. 96 गउ आवद णउ सरिसरतरंगु, waves of the river water, once gone, do not come back ( आवइ णउ ).
16. 11 दहधम्म पायंतिद at the fect of a sage named दवधम्म ( दृढधर्मन् ). 17. 66 गउ जेण महाजणु सो जि पंथ, Compare : महाजनो येन गतः स पन्थाः.
1. सासवसंभवु source of eternal bliss ( शाश्वत + शंभव ) संभवणासणु one that puts an end to संभव, birth, ie, संसार. 56 पुसियबंभहरिहरणयं, one that refuted (पुसिय)
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