8. 5a अण्णह पासि ण सत्थविही कत्थइ सुणइ, he does not study the शास्त्रs with any teacher other than himself. The aim is self-enlightened and does not require a teacher.
13. la Auft, with the saf3977279, i. e., TarCAT TT.
1. 14-15 The lines mean: If I ( the poet compare the face of Tort to the moon, there will be no exhibition of my poetic powers, I would not be called a poet; for, the face of TTT is not soiled or darkened by the deerspot as the disc of the moon is, nor is there reduction in size nor crookedness as it is in the moon.
3. 2 इहु कल्लोलणिवहु etc. The poet says that friendship between विन्ध्यशक्ति and a was so fast and intimate that it was impossible to draw any distinction between them; for who will be able to differentiate the ocean from a mass of waves ? The art or identity between age and is an accepted thing with philosophers.
8. 76 The birth of anca and area is heralded by the sun and the moon seen in dreams by their mothers.
8. 96 atas 3991dfag 63. The name of the mother of farqsaryża is guaraat as given here. Topus however gives it as 39. Compare:
तस्यैवासौ सुषेणाख्योऽप्युषायामात्मजोऽजनि ।
faqerenfTCETEU Tafaeftat 11 58. 84. 9. 10b गलियंसुयई सुहद्दहि णयणई, I shall kill अचल and make his mother सुभद्रा shed tears.
12. 10-12 रायत्तणु etc. There is a pun on राय which means राजन् as well as ITT.
17. 8a रासहु होइवि etc. तारक compares द्विपृष्ठ to an ass and himself to an elephant. 10a Tatates, the son of a cowherd boy, is an epithet of area (), who, according to Hindu Mythology, lived and was brought up among the cow herds.
3, 6b To fi quis , how can querfa (9696a) describe his qualities ? aus means broken, incomplete, which is one of the nicknames of goyect.
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