10. 9a BERTEB, that whez, who, in the previous birth, was king faa167. 116 TUTTHAFOTETTOT, (374182) having houses of gold.
11. 1b Amraafurfuraë, dressed as earthly ladies. 4a Tfour y ag, even before the descent of the fut; into the womb i. e., 5 sent a shower of gold even before the जिन descended into the womb of queen विजया.
12. For sixteen dreams see my note in MP. Voll, pp. 600-601. 13. 4a-
b a z etc. The staffs, on completion of his period of life at farafahr, entered into the mouth of the queen in the form of an elephant just as the sun enters into clouds. 9–10. These lines mention the interval between the निर्वाण of ऋषभ and the descent of अजित into the womb of queen विजया; it is fifty lacs of crores of ATTEITAS.
14. 4-5 दसणकमलसरणच्चियसुरवरि etc. इन्द्र ascended his elephant ऐरावण on whose lotu s-pond-like tusks gods were dancing. 86 THPT, talking full of devotion.
15. 6. Hq THIET Fulfa, using the hit " FATET."
18. 9a वसुवइवसुमइकताकतें, by अजित who was the lord of two wives, viz., wealth ( वसुवइ ) and the earth ( वसुमइ ).
19. 15 ईसमणीस समासमलीणी, the mind of lord अजित was completely engrossed in peace of mind (4, 59TH, QTa ). 46 313 aftaafa fa fr75, man's life is les sened year by year.
20. 4a-b toga r aTTg Tatt, for the continuation of his race which meant a series of acts ( कम्मसंताण) such as गइ (देवमनुष्यादिगति ) and misdeeds (zafiat ). The act of continuing the race involves a series of birth and death and several other acts which are misdeeds.
21. 6a-6 nafcq etc. The five miraculous things are F990, a shower of flowers from heaven, TET, beating of heavenly drums, quer shower of gold from heaven, itt, erecting of flags, and BETEIT, divine sound praising the nobility of gift. Compare faatadi page 78.
23. Description of AHETT.
24. Description of eight staafs, viz., 31*1987, fou qoqafe, foueaft, 27, सिंहासन, भामण्डल, देवदुन्दुभि and छत्र. 10-12 and the following कडवक mention the number of his TOTS, for which see the Table,
26 1 a freferę i. e., on mount Meru, 5 b 27TFestitao describes the process by which the soul of a Jina proceeds to forget.
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