Mahāvīra and His Life
decided to spend the seventh rainy season at Ālabhiyā. EIGHTH YEAR
From Ālabhiyā, Mahāvīra and Gośāla set out for Kundāga Sannivesa. At this place, Mahāvīra stood in meditation in the temple of Vasudeva. Gośāla was again beaten for his bad manners. Then they visited Maddanagama and stayed in the Baladeva temple. Afterwards they came to Bahusālagagāma where Mahāvīra was harassed by Sālejjā Vānamāntarī. From this place, they proceeded to the capital Lohaggalā where the royal servants suspected them to be spies and caught them. Later on they were set free at the intercession of Uppala who is said to have arrived there from Aļthiyagāma. Lohaggalā may be identified with Lohardagā situated in the region which forms the central and north-western portion of the Chhota Nagpur Division. From Lohaggalā, they went to Purimatāla where Mahāvīra stood in meditation in the garden of Sagadamuha. Purimatāla may be identified with Purulia in Bihar. From there, they travelled to Unņāga and on to Gobhūmi. At last they reached Rāyagiha in order to pass the eighth rainy season. NINTH YEAR
From Rāyagiha, Mahāvira and Gośāla again set out for a Lādha country which is non-Aryan. In the course of this journey, they passed through Vajjabhūmi and Subbhabhūmi, where Mahāvīra had to endure all sorts of tortures. Sometimes people surrounded him and set their dogs upon him, Mahāvira got no shelter in this region. He passed the ninth rainy season in this country, TENTH WEAR
Malāvīra and Gośāla then travelled to Siddhatthapura and Kummagāma. Soon they returned to Siddhatthapura. It may be the same as Siddhangrāma in Birbhum District. Severing his relations with Mahavira again, Gośila now went to Sāvatthi while Mahāvīra visited Vaišāls where the republi
1. Imperial Gazetteers, Vol. VIII, p. 476. 2. JLAIDJC. p. 324. 3. History of Bengal. Vol. I. p. 22.