Economic Conditions
Quarrels among cowherds are frequently referred to. were often attacked and devoured by lions and tigers in the jungle.1
Dairy farming was in an advanced state and the supply of milk, and its four products (gorasa), viz., curds, buttermilk, butter, and ghee, were abundant. People, therefore, could get highly nutritious food. References to the milk of cow, buffalo, camel, goat, and sheep are often met with. Khiraghara was known as a place where milk products were available in plenty.3 Bullocks were used for pulling the plough. The cattle were also utilized for the production of hide, bones, ivory nails, and hair. Slaughter-houses were known. A slaughter-house where five hundred buffaloes were slaughtered every day has been mentioned.5
Flocks of sheep and goats were confined in an enclosure (vāḍaga). They were utilized for woolproduction. Brooms (rayaharaṇa) and blankets were made of sheep wool. People used to kill sheep and eat their flesh seasoned with salt, oil, and pepper. Mention is made of a young ram which was fcd on rice and grass till it was fattened and killed on the arrival of the guest. Veterinary sciencc also flourished.10
Near the village and town, forest tracts were located. A forest (adavi) of eighteen yojanas is said to have existed near Rayagiha. Many species of trees covered with fruits and flowers have also been mentioned: nimba, ümra, jambu, sula, ankola, bakula, palāśa, putrañjana, bíbhitaka, šiṁśapā, śriparņi, aśoka tinduka kapittha, mātulinga, bilva, āmalaga, phaṛasa, dāḍima,
1. Ara. chu, p. 44.
2. Ibid II, p. 319.
3. Nisi. Chu, 9. p. 511,
4. Pinda, 50.
5. Ara, chủ, II. p. 169.
6. lica, 4, p. 30.
7. Brin, 2, 25; Bka, 3. 3914.
S. Sutra, II, 6. 37.
9. Uttara, 7.1 ff.
10. Nisi. ch. 19. n. 1244. 11. Uttara, Ti, S. p. 125.