Lord Mahavira and His Times
This ware has been obtained from several sites in Bihar such as Bodha-Gaya, Vaiśālī, Rajgir, Chirand and Sonpur. At Sarnath, Kaušāmbi, Rajghat and Śrāvasti, large quantities of this ware in various shades and in finc fabric have been found, though not as frequently as that found in Bihar. At Taxila, Rupar, Atrañjikheda, Hastinapura, Tamluk, Siśupālagarh, and Amaravati, it has been found in a small quantity, and that also in one or two sherds only. Ujjain was a separate centre of this pottery, but here it was of a poorer quality. The political cxpansion of Magadha is responsible for the spread of this warc in different parts of the country, but commerce and religion are also no less important factors. METAL OBJECTS
Different kinds of metal objects recovered from carly historical sites in the excavations give an idea of the state of art during this period. Some objects were used for ornaments, while others served domestic and other purposes. Such ornaments as ear-lobes, torques of different shapes, necklaces, bangles, pendants and rings made of different materials like terracotta, precious stones, glass, ivory, bone, and copper began to be used by women for adornment. Those who could not afford to have precious ornaments made of stonc or copper, contented themselves with carthen beads, bangles, and carstuds, while on the other hand, the rich section adorned theinselves with ornaments of precious stoncs like shell, agaic, carnelian, amcthyst, soapstone, and glass.
Beads of different shapes, sizes and designs, have been obtained from Ujjain, Nagda, Valcśvara, Avra, Eran, Bharoch, Sonpur, ctc. They are of different shapes barrel-like, spherical, and triangular. These are made of agate, carnclian, frience, stealise, rcrracotta, shell, glass, poste, ctc. Nagria and Sonpur harc oftere pendants made of ivory and crystal respectively. The finding of unfinished beads at Avra and Ljjain proves the existence of local industries for their manis. Ficiu; .
Tin toileiry included an imong rods of copper, hair pins of bone, combs of ivory', !erracotta fich ruhlrr, and nzil