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queen. Lilavati and, recognized as a noble man, lie was called in. King reco gnized him and invited him to his court, When he entered the same, a broadeyed (dancing girl) covered her head out of respect. Jagaddeva rewarded her with three hundred thousand coins,
dancing girl, who was engaged at that time in dance-performance before his council having removed all her clothes and wearing only a small petticoat of flowers, instantly covered herself with ber upper garment and bashfully sat down, After due formalities when she was commanded by the king to continue her dance, she replied that since Jagaddeva, the only man in the world, had arrived there, she was ashamed of displaying herself unclothed, for ladies act freely only in presence of ladies. As a reward for this excellent tribute to him Jagaddeva handed over to the dancer the pair of precious silken garments [ pradhana-paridhanalakṣyamulyatulyodbhatapalayugam that were just then offered to him by the king.
(p. 116:) King Paramarddin enjoyed great prosperity, exemplary for the whole world. For the whole day and night, excepting the period
Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir