Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
55 मनोहरा
56 मरुडी
57 महू
58 माईदे 59 मा[ई]
६० माणिक्य
61 माधत्र
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
-one of the eight beautiful damsels presented by Madanabhrama to Siddharaja Jayasimha. 8.15.
-a female gardener of Ujjayini with whom the great king Vikramaditya is said in our prabandha to have gone to the nether world in the guise of a porter. 15.13, 18.
a royal officer of Madanabhrama, who does not figure in the PK and PPS versions of the story. 3.3.
-same as माईदेव. 7.8.
-the Chief Minister of Madanabhrama, who is called his Saryu-muntri-śreytho mamidevaḥ sarvamudradhikari in the PPS version. 3.3.
a disciple of Devasuri. As stated in our prabandha, he appears to have taken a prominent part in the great dialectic disputation at the court of Siddharaja Jayasimha of Palana, which resulted in the historic defeat of the Digambara pontiff Kumudacandra. The contemporary drama Mudritukunudacandra also furnishes an evidence about his being a participant of the contest. PPS (p. 27) represents him as speaking out a verse in reply to one ultered by K u mu dacandra's bhatta. PC (p. 67) also puts the same verse in his mouth. There he is described as a scholar who, though a mere molecule at she fect of Devasuri, surpassed even Canakya in intellectual powers. It was he who secured the huge palace-like mansion of minister Santo as a Pauṣadhaśālā by simply reporting, when Santū wanted to know the opinion of Devasuri about that newly constructed building, that it could be praised only if it were a Paugadhaśālā. (PPS p. 31.) 24.3.
-the officer in charge of the city-gates of Kanti, the capital of Madanabhrama. 3.3; 7.12.
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