म्याम् । चत्राम्याम् । दक्षिणायां पुष्पा भर ए. Taie... e fagfai
समानो राज्य पालयति। सोलही सोल १६ मूल्यं सदा
Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
For Private And Personal Use Only
Once, while on return journey! (p. 61: While returning home (p. 25:) Once, while returning from to his capital after continuous
after conquering such countries his conquest-inarch, king Jaya - conquests for twelve years, king of the Soutlı as Maharastra, simhadeva of Gujarata reached Taya simbadeva camped at Tilang
Tilanga, Karnata and
katata and the outskirts of the city of Kanti. a distance of five garyūlis from Pandya, king jaya simba | Thinking that he could not get a the outskirts of the city of camped on the border-line. There, match in fighting anywbere and reKanti. There a bard of Kanti' in the evening, lic sat with full pomp i membering a couplet laying down that but the bard of Jayasimhap his assembly, when an alien bard Kanti was so prominent among the deya and eulogized Madana- arrived and praised the assembly in 1 cities as the Jūti among flowers, he bhrama. The other bard request. these words:"Ne! grairàsyntet: decided to see it, and his army, though ed him to sing a culogy of his king. **1944 a 2 at 4- unwilling, had to follow him. He (viz. Jayasimhadeva) in !"
camped near the city gates. reward whereof he promised to give him suitable gifts. He, however,
When asked by the king, the bard Impressed by the golden peaks of the replied that he used to sing eulogies i replied:
city-rampart and the golden snansionof none else than bis own king
tops, he exclaimed, M a danabhrama. This inatter
"4q! Tazai feta fia 478 7471
तत्र मदनवर्मा नाम पृथ्वीवशाल: प्राज्ञस्त्यागी भोगी ! "998X4 918T: " was reported to king Jayasimha, who, being enraged, stayed therr
। धी नयी नक्त इव, पुरूरवा इव, वत्सराज इव, ! during the monsoon (or, for four
| पुनरवतीर्णः पृथिव्याम : तं राजानं तच्च पुरं यः खलु ।
नित्यं पश्यति सोऽपि वर्गयितुं न पारयति । केवलं months) with the intention of fight- !. ing with Madanabhrama.
Tatiana na tarasi alafi b... "
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
At the bard's suggestion Jaya