Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
The following observations are brought out by the above comparison : (i) Only the PC version has the foriner part of the prabandha, and,
though certain points of LPS version are absent there, it is a more polished and detailed one inasmuch as Lakhanasena of LPS becomes Šrilakṣmaṇasena in PC, the name of his country viz. Gauda is given there and pradhana Umapatiści. dhara 1comes Sursabuddhinidhāna sucita Umapatid liara.
(2) In PC king Lak şinana selil himself, and not this son, falls in
love with a Matargi.
(3) The story, thereaster, takes altogether a different turn in PC. (4) The A version of PPS simply states that Lakhanasc na was the
king of Lakhaná vati in the east and then immediately turns to Ratnapunja who is mentioned as bis descendent, thus joining the two parts, PC, however, has two separate pravandhus completely in,
tlependent of each other. (5) The second part of the praban:lha is found in all the other four versions,
the king's name being Ratnapunia in LPS and PI'S A versions, while the rest of the versions have Ralnasekhar a. Similarly Srimalapura of LPS is not found in the other versions, it being named Ratnamåla casara in PC and VTK and Ratnapura in PPS B version, PPS A version simply carrying forward the city of
Lakla na vati. (6) According to LPS and PPS A versions the king himself saw the pre
gnant woman. PC gives an altogether different motif and the guildleaders of the capital city, while going to the sakunagira, are stated there to have beheld her. VIK briefly follows PC in this regard but states that the king sent astrologers and not the guild-leaders; while PPS B version combines the two motifs,
(7) The motif of the poor woman's going to pass stools is absent in LPS
and PPS B versions, but all tlie versions agree in mentioning that her infant was nourished by a she-deer, VIK pronouncing that he sucked
her milk at the two twi-lights. (8) The sudden automatic change in the currency coins at the mint is pro
nounced by all versions except PPS A, where a huuter is stated to have reported to the king that an infant was being nourished by a she-deer. PC and VTK give details in this regard and the reserr, blance in their wording indeed strikes us.
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