Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
version is later than the rest. The PC was composed in 1305 A.D. and the PK was con posid in 1349 A.D. This fact enables us to narrow the duration of the probable period of the composition of the LPS and conclude that it was composed, in all praðahility, sometime bedre en ra 3 4.0. ani 1305 4 D. or, lo be precise, during the latter half of the thirleenth century.
IX. Bearings on History
The Prabandhas are historical anecdotes. The present text is a Piabandhawork. As such it will be interesting to examine it from the historical point of view and try to fund cut its bearings on bistory. It is intended here to furnish only an out-line of the historical data gathered from cach individual prabandha and examine the same briefly in the light of known history, etc. and not to enter into long discussions regarsling the same.
Jagaddevy, the hero of the prabandha, is a historical figure. He is stated liere to be one of the two sons of Para mara king Udajadi ya of Ujjayini and step-brother of Runa dha vala. This is corroborared by history. IIis father U da yaditya ruled from 1060 A 1) to 1087 A.D | Jagaddeva is stated here to have quitted his country after the demise of his father, when his step-brother Raņa dla vala was enthroned and he found his life in danger. Elsewhere also we find similar references
lle is stated to have gone then to the kingdom of king Fara ma di of Kalyana kotipora. This Para mäd i can easily be identified with king Vikramaditya VI of the Western Calukya lynasty who ruled at Kalyan a kata k a (mod. Kalyana near Bombay) during 1076-1126 A D. & and enjoyed the title of Paramarddin. Some other contemporary kings also bore this title, but this particular "Para. mardlin" was really a prowerful king.* Moreover, one Jagaddeva's connection with this king is also mentioned by PC [p. 114). The name of the queen of this Paramarddin is given here as Lilavati. The interes
GMRI, P. 523.
1 Vide, e.g., A. K. Forbes, Rasa Málå of The Ilindu Annals of the Province of Gujalāt, Gujarati Itanslation, Tird edition, Vol. I, 19.2, pp. 165-200.
$ Vide GMRI, p. 537. • Vide CG, pp. 79-80.
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