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The minister sent a report though a maid, who could not get an oppurtunity to convey the same to the king. At last on the fifth day of the bright half of the month of Sravana Vilbū Vāmani requested him to go to observe the game of Andhavedha. The king went to the terrace, when rain had stopped. He cast a glance at his city and saw the alien army. He asked:
On hearing this king Siddharaja marched towards Mahobaka and camped at a distance of eight krosas from it.
(p. 92) This was reported by the ministers to Madanavarman who was surrounded by a thousand ladies in the excellent garden. He described Jayasimba as a Kabadi Raja and commanded to give him whatever amount he wanted but asked them to convey to him that if he wished to capture their city or land, they would give a fight. The message was conveyed to Siddharaja, who, wonderstruck, " He demanded 96 crores of gold. Though विणजारज । "
This gave the opportunity to Vilhu Vamani who pronounced several excellent epithets for him and reported that it was not the camp of any trader but of king Jayasimhadeva of Gujarata who wanted to fight. She
offered the same, he did not move away. When asked, he replied:
" मत्रिपुरुहूताः । तं लीलानिधिं भवत्प्रभुं दिक्षे । "
(p. 25:) The minister closed the fortress, equipped the army and reported in writing to the king, who observed the alien army from the terrace and sent his instructions according to which Madhavadeva, the officer in charge of the city-gates, was sent with 16 horses and certain other suitable gifts. King Siddhanatha did not accept these welcome-gifts and conveyed his desire to fight, Madana brahm an informed that he would go for fighting the next Tuesday.
Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir