( 12 ) eternal pervasive, formless' and gives room to all the Other Dravyas to exist in it. The Space which is coextensive with the world is called Lokakasa (worldspace) and that which is beyond is Alokakasa ( nonworld space ) which is infinite, pure space. Kala or Time from the ordinary point of view is that which helps to produce changes in substances and which is known from modifications produced in substances, while real Time is eternal and is the basis of change
All these six, Soul, Matter, Dharma, Adharma, Space and Time are called Dravyas. The terin Dravya denotes that which has a permanent substantiality which manifests through change of appearing and disappearing, Utpada (appearance, Vyaya (disappearance) and Dhrouya (permanency). Excepting Time the other five substances are called astıkayas as they have extension or Bahupradesha. But Time has no such extension since it is unilateral. The universe is constituted by the six Dravyas which are unicrcated and are existing from eternity.
Jiva or Alma or Soul is the central theme in the Jaina System. There are infinite souls in the Universe and they were existing in the past, are existing now, and will continue to exist in the future. They were