10 sefrartes ar
wt? afe cer vey, femragueaia
aad unt a dat a, crraefaoraeT Wel
eae ga gra (am ag) Star Teme Aas TA
ay AT oF METAaes H Tes ace gt aT at
7. As pollution precipitates milk, so does attachment aversion to.
war AX tat g, Geant sad afar
ua Afgerataet, Taner vagedt litt
SA et Fares & Ga ATA ger eT ATT Te RET TT TAT
24a A Maratea oF arom aed Z 1
8. As curd curdles milk irretrievably, so does vice to human soul,
eclipsing its pristine contours.
coo aarferot eet, Det TTTTTAT |
wMefine g agers, Fear oT Frat vel
&. ser H arvana & oe ga saga ya: vera ef a g 1 yet
sare steanfir & Mem gaa ga: Gera St a F | gaatat Zar F 1
9. As fire charted vagetation of a forest regerminates, so does the
reviving vice, thanksto the wrathfulness of man.
aaer ang) fantg,, arfcor sifirat alg |
aemtafgatrnfa, digit gforaresy tig ott
Qo. mET al aad ge AMT eT oe @ Hera awe 2 feeey aT
ay aft 1, aHET TERT oT a wt GT awa dt 2, walq
Arerfier FT area HAT FTI SP
10. Physicalfire can beeasly extinguished with water. Not so the
fire of attachmont, thatdefies all the eceans put together.
weet 7a ofeoorat, stated
& fpaonfsaca fate weafe oem ge