22, aapant sera 83
Dharma(spir itual order) is male-oriented. Dharma is mele-domina-
ted, male-oriented, male-created and male-based. As a painful malady
rises in a particular organism, is aggravated and is integrated so the
spiritual order (Dharma) belongs to theindividual and surroundshim like
an aura. Similar to it, a wound grows in body, white ants in a sand-dune
and lotus in a pond, Theso are all accretions of earth and thrive upon it,
As fire sustainsitself on fuel, 20 rrie!s ind! ain) himalt
onanother of his kind.
fag ata aroma, Sf afger ceria|
a arfa fafesat gfe, & geetat at wat gt
g . Aare ate ang farare B aa Bagh ve alee eT FT
218 gee A faaare & ahFt are HITT B
1. The villages and towns administered by female rulers are
reprehensible. The males under thumb of femaie are not warth thesalt.
Beat & asfaat wer, aAaRAT T Aaa URI
. WE Afaer ga at arses H aata 2, Qarfea TT eT
Raga 4, afer wa safedt & amar g ste asafeaa wade
wart 31
2. A female is bestowed with all hanauss. Sheis bewitching. She
emanatesfragrance akin toa blooming lily of the valley. Sheis Ike a
snake-encircled jasmine.
SAU FRI Teg ay, AAT at aseETfeqaT |
afeat araget at, wadgzet a atfgait uaa
a. eat at qr 8 fat fag der gar 2, faogm geal et meat2,
faafafaa ax gfent 3, wiat Hatt Hac aah 2)
3. She is like a golden cavern with a man-eater seated within.
Sheis a garland of poisonousflowers, a fatalfragrance, a streamfraught
with internal whirl-pools.
areat afaat at fa, sito a atfeait |
wet aefer faoiar, ar gist agaizat ue