38. arfagy qe sent 178
24, Proper causealone results in corresponding effect. Delive-
tance warrants suitable series of action culminating into emancipation.
afvart Ba aa a, wifad g fawrag |
ofeartsfa Tea, oT wre TiaAaT 12K
xy. rama eo wifaa arent gt oar are afr wea gi
fauge THT ores x aaTt 1 wahy snerdaat a BT frase wears
afeqa ath oe at aan sth H pret Aterareqes—earfeare con AeT aT
28.geauinety i roel ¥one can sublimate himself,
whether he is surrounded by his kins or is practising as a monk. insince-
rita would evidently be fatal, in either case. In the fable of jackal
Nitajambuk’s belonging to 2 large family could not promote him to the
chiefdom owing te his contradictory character.
RATE ae, TearteaTaRAAT HAE
88. wateraang watg wratgs anf at fates ware
wa at opefga wea are age arat Tae aver (Aer aTaT) aT
aera aifee ageardt at adage safes wena aTiee | saat ower
oe A aafarory Haat sa TAIT safe See A Tear aes
26. The avaricious resorts to wily tactics in his persuasive
specious speech. Honey-tongued individuals ata patently greedy. We
should be wary of suchglib beings as they are therough-going materia~
lists and self-saekers.
awed afaad, fosgafer farat |
fofearta anfeq, srarfea afeegat gen
we. TEP are aT frags fae-ad & arearfea ETT
Rarer aa afer) GST A TaTTTT aA aT aT STAT
rerar gtet 21
27. A crafty conduct embodies a jackal in a tiger-hide. Crooks
ate detected by experience only.